Voici les dates des event strapless à venir. Ca commencera tard dans la saison, avec Tarifa en Juin. 3 étapes de confirmer pour le moment et on espère au moins Maurice en plus pour avoir des droites (Dakhla) et des gauches (One Eye)
The 2017 GKA Wave-Freestyle World Tour is growing. The GKA Crew are eager to welcome you
all to the 2017 World Cup events and to continue the exciting atmosphere of last year.
Here is the up to date calendar of the 2017 GKA Wave-Freestyle World Tour:
World Cup Tarifa: 23.6. – 2.7 Confirmed (strapless freestyle)
World Cup Dakhla / Morocco: 18.7. – 23.7 Confirmed (wave and strapless freestyle)
World Cup Sotavento: 1.8. – 5.8 Confirmed (strapless freestyle)
World Cup Mauritius: 6.9. – 16.9 TBC (wave)
World Cup Italy: 16.10. – 22.10 TBC (wave and strapless freestyle)
World Cup Mexico: October / November TBC (wave)
*Please be aware of the rule-book allowing the possibility of all 'three-disciplines' at any event
depending on the conditions (wave, strapless-freestyle, wave-freestyle mix).
From 2017 onwards the GKA World Tour is officially acknowledged by World Sailing. The winner
of the tour will be therefore officially be crowned 'World-Champion'. Last year we called the
champion 'Rider of the Year'. Only the title 'World-Champion' will be used from now on.
Another positive change is the increased prize-money. At most of the events we will be able to
significantly raise the prize money from last year. Furthermore, we can also raise the prize-money
for the winner of the tour. Besides the World-Champion, prize-money will also be paid to the
second and third overall finishers of the tour.
As the prize-money is different at each World Cup event, you will be informed about the exact
amount in the Race Notices for each event.
We look forward to being able to run an official female division with an official Female World-
Champion for 2017. According to our Rule-Book, six girls must attend the World Cup events for an
official result. Girls, come and join our tour!
The Rule-Book will be published within the next fews days and sent out to you by our GKA-Tour-
Manager, Jo. Please read it carefully! For our planning it would be very helpful if you could
confirm your attendance for the World Cup events to Jo (jo@global-kitesports.org) as soon as