De North Dice is in een relatief korte tijd van nieuwkomer tot Norh bestseller uitgegroeid. Ralf Grosel vertelt over het design proces en aanpassingen aan de 2018 versie van de Dice.
Onze eigen megaloop koning Lasse heeft ook meegewerkt aan de Dice. Ralf zegt dan ook dat de Dice de beste optie is voor Megaloops in extreme condities. Maar het blijft een allround kite waarmee je ook prima in de golven kan golfrijden.
What design updates can we see between the old 2017 and new 2018 Dice?
This year I’ve added in an additional profile between the centre and quarter strut which makes the overall radius less segmented, and therefore helps to optimise smooth airflow. One of the best-kept secrets at North Kiteboarding is the tension on the profiles, so I’ve been working hard to get exactly the right tension into the canopy of the 2018 Dice. One major update is the LE diameter. During test sessions in extreme winds of 40knts on a 8m Dice, we tried to find the ultimate balance between structural stiffness and drag. The result saw jumping and looping abilities significantly enhanced. I would even claim that the Dice would outperform every other kite within the North Kiteboarding range in terms of its powerful, snappy and predictive lift.
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