Detailpics 12m Caution Answer2 :
more rounded tips
super simple bridle:
2007 ANSWER 9m review
Having spent some time on the 9m '07 Answer, my initial impression is as follows:
The most important factor is that static stability has been improved and the kite is more stable overhead at rest, as well as having better “drift†when bottom turning toward it on a wave. Although they have seemingly different requirements, this is a great improvement for both beginners and advanced riders alike.
The bottom end power of the '06 Answer was already pretty impressive, but the '07 model has even more to offer in this department and can have me comfortably out on a 9m in 15kt on a TT. I was concerned that this may have come at a big trade-off against the top end wind range, but so far it seems not to be the case, and at 35kt the 9m was still perfectly at home and ready for more.
The power delivery is also significantly smoother and newcomers to SLE kites can adapt more easily as the de-power stroke has been lengthened.
Last years' Answer already had more POP than most other SLE kites and the new one again offers even more in this department, making it ideal for wakestyle moves and those into handlepasses. The adjustable stopper on the de-power line also means that you can still choose to ride as powered up as you want.
The improved bottom end power and increased pop also translate into floatier jumps compared to the '06 Answer. You still get the same, sick lift, ripping you as high as you dare, that made the Answer stand out from the crowd, but there is noticeably more “float†on the way down, giving both longer hangtime and softer landings, both of which are a good thing, regardless of your skill level.
All of this has been achieved whist still retaining the awesome “Caution Feel†that keeps riders coming back once they have flown a Caution Kite.
The CAUTION kites slogan is; “Lighter, Faster, Strongerâ€. Perhaps it should be; LIGHTER, FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER, LONGER …
By Shaun Pretorius SA
Answer2 molded bar:
colour schemes:
Doe mij die maar,
maar niet echt., want heb net spitfire III, en het is een bow.
Desalniettemin ben ik érg benieuwd hoe dit ding vliegt
En zoals je gewend bent, dikke kwaliteit van Caution
Morres had een 0 sterren sessie in Harlingen met maar liefst 0 - 0 knots op zijn Gaastra Jekyll (2013)
Ik heb zondag met mijn 2007 12 meter Caution Answer II gevaren. Ze zijn redelijk goed verbeterd.
Prima freeride kite’s
johndoe had een 5 sterren sessie in Kijkduin met maar liefst 16 - 21 knots op zijn Best Bularoo (2010)
"chicken dick" die kende ik nog niet..
beste cursisten, hier ziet u de bar, met lijnen, depowerlijntje met daaronder een loopie met kippenpiemel.. die steek je zo in je haak..
2007 "Answer2 Performance SLE" Kite Packages |
Omschrijving |
Verkoopprijs incl. 19% btw |
19 compleet m/bar en 25m lijnen |
€ 1.299 |
16 compleet m/bar en 25m lijnen |
€ 1.249 |
12 compleet m/bar en 25m lijnen |
€ 1.199 |
9 compleet m/bar en 25m lijnen |
€ 1.099 |
6 compleet m/bar en 25m lijnen |
€ 999 |
HJ11 had een 4 sterren sessie in Wijk aan Zee met maar liefst 23 - 32 knots op zijn Zeeko Krush (2011)
chicks with dicks bij caution en dan ook nog een verstellbar kugel
zit dat ook nog op die dick ?
rare jongens die duitsers
Morres had een 0 sterren sessie in Harlingen met maar liefst 0 - 0 knots op zijn Gaastra Jekyll (2013)
Fokke had een 5 sterren sessie in Kijkduin met maar liefst 10 - 14 knots op zijn Takoon Furia LTD (2010)
stefkiter had een 4 sterren sessie in Borssele met maar liefst 25 - 35 knots op zijn Core GTS (2011)