Hi Matt
Some news from the Norwegian guys.
Cap Verde (Ozone photoshoot Instinct sport, light and edge).

We have been her 6 days so far. 4 days with kting and two days of surfing. The wind here is pretty good, but thing we are most stoked about is the waves. They are sweeter than sugar, and the water is cristal clear. If you go here – don´t forget your wave-board!!! The local people are very nice and the food tastes great.
The new kites are amazing. They are all very precise, tight and well manufactured. We love them already.

The Light is not as aggressive like the Sport and Edge, but still so smooth to ride.Dump all the power when you push the control-bar all the way out. It starts to flutter, because of just the three struts, but this you will not feel too much in the water. relaunch is basically not an issue. Pull one side of the bar and, up it goes. As well as this is a great kite for beginners, the Light is also good kite for waves. We have not tried the Light that much yet, but for sure this is great free style kite also a good booster. The kite is very Light, meaning superb flying capabilities, stability and easy traveling. This kite has 100 percent de-power!

The Sport is so much faster then last years Instinct. The bar pressure is also extremely reduced. The whole feeling is much more playful. Relaunch is very easy because of wider wingtips and new Y- backline attachment closer to trailing edge. Sick lift and huge range and amazing pop. It also has a single inflation system. Great for waves. Our favorite.

Edge is the right name for this kite. You go higher then ever, and you stay up there forever. Also good de-power and you always know where you have the kite. Surprisingly great freestylekite too. Stiff and high performance 7 strut machine for the perfectionists.

We are happy to see that Ozone now are making kites for absolutely all levels of kiters out there - and they rip in all categories, wether you choose a Light, Sport or Edge.

More news coming. Stay cool and enjoy…. we do;)

Christian & Sigve