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Stacey returned from the Slingshot meeting with a mountain of work to catch up with, but he had good news about the new Rev, Slingshots mid range offering for the upcoming fall season, whilst not actually being a replacement for the Link, for the moment it sits in the line in that position.
So, how does it fly?
It does work well, and does everything the Link did at its best, but with a few design features added to ensure riders not used to some of the performance foibles of faster higher aspect kites wont come to grief or get any surprises.
The bridle has been reduced to a fair minimum, you'll note from the Pics the lead pulley is attached to the kite, this has the effect of reducing "bridle lag" watch out when you jump, its best to leave the redirect almost to the point of landing or you'll get smacked into the drink quite hard. It is a very fast kite and will be a tricksters dream.
Whilst it doesn't have the Raw Power of the Fuel, most folk won't notice much difference, its got a lot more low end than the Link, (But not as much as the T2) but the feel at the bar is similar (although you dont feel like you're having to oversheet all the time) and its attack angle will make it less likely to back stall. (You could probably still do it, but you'd know you were with the bar pressure increasing enough to let you know).
All in all Stacey liked it which is a 100% improvement on the one he rode in HR a couple of months back.
There are other bonuses, in the front line kill yet re-ride system, here you now have a kite you can totally depower no question its dead, yet recover on the water, No death spirals and Oshit back up on both bar ends in the unlikely event of your kill line breaking.
Its going to be a great kite for 70% of the market, improvers looking to push the boundarys but inevitably making mistakes, bods like me who've had more than enough prangs and know only too well what can go wrong so want absolute safety back up.
All bullshit aside we all really know its the rider that makes a kite perform, not the actual kite itself, but this kite should help a good rider become better by enabling a safe shove of the envelope.
Y'all know the drill, get a go on one as soon as we can feasibly get them here to try.. I trust Stacey's word implicitly.
Oh yeah the other news the T2/3 (It'll just get the centre safetybar which I'm told will also be an aftermarket add on if this years T2 owners want to upgrade.)and be available as an aftermarket accessory for pretty much any four line SLE kite with direct rear connectors
Here are some pics of it in the meeting with a few close ups.
We're expecting some more pics of the Rev on the water later in the week, the 2008 Fuel also got an airing at the meeting, another year of refinement sees a box stitch system re-inforcing both canopy and leading edge, the 07 model was so successful other than some minot tweaks nothing will alter that superb power and range of this undoubted leader of the C kite genre.
Another couple of Jewels, the 08 Rework of this mush bothering authors favorite tool the Fuse, next to a serious stand on surf board the SST, a 6.3 with enough volume to use as a paddle board, basically the technique is more use the kite as a tow in, then depower leave it till you need it again.
prachtig!!!! echt een stukje magie!
Heeeeel mooi gepresenteerd en ben fier dat ik als eerste hierop mag reageren!
Deze fuel gaat volgens mij nog sneller uitverkocht zijn dan de 2008, Roy, reserveer maar genoeg kites want deze word het!!!
Ik wil de mijne alvast reserveren...
Eloy & Roy alvast een dikke proficiat!!!
2007 was vast al super of zo, want volgens mij is er echt nog nooit zo weinig gedaan aan een opvolger!
Is natuurlijk positief, daar niet van. Maar om een 2007 Fuel om te ruilen voor een 2008 lijkt mij niet echt nuttig
ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)
tja justin .... stefano is ook helemaal in het slingshot walhala dusja ....
gewoon zelf even testen
enige verschil wat ik zo zie ik kwalitijd dat hij nu wat beter de ''ruben' loops aankan
Mmm revolutionair, bredere sticksels.. Geheel nieuw design...Ze hebben weer erg hun best gedaan bij slingshot..
hij blijft mooi
mooie gemaakt eloy
johndoe had een 5 sterren sessie in Kijkduin met maar liefst 16 - 21 knots op zijn Best Bularoo (2010)
johndoe had een 5 sterren sessie in Kijkduin met maar liefst 16 - 21 knots op zijn Best Bularoo (2010)
boardjortje had een 0 sterren sessie in Domburg met maar liefst 0 - 0 knots op zijn Ozone Catalyst (2010)
Pimpy design.....
Pigtails langer....
Verstevigd doek bij tips...
Struts sterker...
Stikseldraad dikker...
Stikseldraad breder...
weinig nieuws/vooruitgang, eigenlijk meer versteviging van vorig design.....al zeg ik het zelf...slacht me niet af, ik doe niets meer dan quote en probeer objectief te blijven...