The North Rebel 08 is the definitive free-ride kite. Equally at home in the hands of surf junkies or flat water fiends, the Rebel is a kite that simply works in all conditions!
Smooth, predictable power development and reduced sheeting force will give you confidence to push your riding to new levels or simply cruise with comfort and
ease. Direct sheeting allows you to instantly turn on the power when you need it for lofty jumps or driving bottom-turns while total de-power lets you instantly sheet out to shut off the power for vertical off-the-tops! Reactive steering and a direct, crispy feel lets you know exactly where the kite is flying so that nothing will hold you back from reaching the riding level of your dreams!
The North Rebel is soft and powerful to get you up and going in light winds, yet remains incredibly stable when the wind picks up. Excellent steering even with the kite depowered makes it easy to keep the kite flying overhead and positioned precisely where you want it as you set up for your next off the lip, so it's no secret why the Rebel is our team's number one choice in the surf. A slight increase in LE sweep together with the addition of relaunch bungies to the back pigtails prevents line snags and makes re-launching the Rebel easier than ever!
The Rebel continues to defy convention as a no-compromise free-ride kite that combines 5th Element simplicity and safety with all round comfort and
performance. The Rebel...Breaking all the rules!
Available in sizes 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and four all new color schemes with stylish skate/snow influenced graphics to entice the senses.
Cool, ik zag hem al op Fuerteventura in april
Maar mensen, wat is nou het nut van een 9, 10, 11 en 12 ???
Ik zou denken dat het de productie en distributie alleen maar duurder maakt. Bij bow/hybrides overlappen een 9 en een 12 al zoveel meer dan bij oudere C-kites, dus waarom zoveel verschillende maten?
Is toch alleen maar mooi, kan iedereen de set aanschaffen die het best bij em past!!
Kzou graag de nieuwe rebels kopen, maar ben nog aant twijfelen over de maten: (ik koop er wel maximum 2): een 7 en een 14m?