PKRA Fuerteventura (Update) 2-8-2007, Sotovento, Fuerte After Tenerife i flew to Fuerteventura to prepare for the PKRA stop. The first day of competition went pretty well for me, i won both of my heats. First heat was against Randy Hereman and in the second one i beat Alberto Rondina. The wind was super gusty but it was still fun to ride...In my last heat for the first day i had a pretty gnarly crash where i almost blew my knee out...I did a kiteloop and unhooke mid-air because i was coming down pretty fast, but my kite didn't catch me in time and i exploded in a little wave that was rolling towards me. I had pain for a bit, but wasn't too bad so i continueed the heat. But the next morning i woke up and i couldn't even put pressure on my knee...So i was pretty bummed about that. I couldn't ride that day against Aaron, but as soon as i feel comfortable to ride...I will come back strong, hope i will sort my knee out before my heat in the doubles.
Congratz to my cousin Kevin who won the single elimination...Good to see he is focussing on getting some more power in his riding! That's where we need the sport to go...
Ride hard!
In the doubles it looked like my knee wasn't bothering me too much, so i was stoked that it wasn't anything serious! I won my first heat in the doubles but lost the second...against Cesar Portas! I ended up 7th place... It was a fun competition and i'm looking forward to the next PKRA stop in Germany.