While riding PKRA France I met Pascal Boulkagow, the Ozone photographer.
Riding his wicked bike with the funny hardrock beard he looked pretty hardcore.
But this is just such a laidback and relaxed man who is well experienced in snowkiting and photography! Used to follow Grandmaster Chasta in the mountains, now he’s after me!
And so I met him again in Sardinie.
We were there to join the first Sardinia Ozone Kite Experience, on invitation of Stefano, the italy Ozone distributor and his crew. The crew was all about fun riders and teachers, lovely persons everytime a day. Taking all care of Pascal and me, once Pascal said: "we are living here like kings! The people are super, the island is perfect, the weather is nice, and everything is done and organized for us!"
Of course I totally agree and im down for more than 100% percent.
Including the crew we found Elena and Alex, both Italian although they spoke perfectly English because Alex is originally English. Alex was also photographer on the event. Elena took a little mommy care of me, and with this it felt like having the whole family around you to Pascal and me.
Also National Geographic Italy was there the first few days, cool guys, with some nice footage from what I’ve seen,
riding sardinie is a thing everyone should try once. because its an island so you can ride wherever the winddirection brings you. we've been around the upperpart of the island, around Palau and Olbia. we were lucky with the wind we've got, everyday perfect for 9 or 11, unfortunately after 7 days the wind dropped. not a big issue, i was already more then happy being here!
the days were like this:
i woke up around 9. said hello to Pascal who was already working on pictures in the main room of our appartment, and went to the toilet. no shower in the morning, waste of water because we were on a boiler, and we'll be wet within an hour. back in the room i turned on some heavy techno tunes to get in the mood and quickly had some breakfast and switched from boxershort to my new brunotti kiteshorts. check the mobile, not much of friends being interested in me anymore, got my friends here around, im fine!
the sounds of a claxon disturbing my music and i hear our names coming trough our house with an italian accent, time to go!
the sound of the labtops being closed twice like a gun, click clack.
kaboom. we raced out of our house and jumped in the huge Landrover, overloaded with ozone stickers, this is Stefano's ride, some big bags on the roof including my boardbag. i managed to not take care of my boardbag for 4 days and nights, and there was not much in it but it was just funny to see it coming and going by others who took care of it. i had my new brunotti's and suits and other things i need already out of it since the first day, those i kept in stefano's landrover.
from here we drove down to the beach, meet up with the others, see whats going on and where we'll be going! arrived at the actual spot all of us quickly pumped our kites and went off to the water to overload the sky with our ozone mean machines. we had a good mix of action.
thanks to our big professional group we had some big air jumpers, hardcore freestylers, teachers and funners. that means ozone everwhere, cruising, teaching, looping, and crashing if i was out as well.
a quick lunch, another session.
at night, was a matter of luxury.
one day we ate with everybody at someones home, the other day, restaurant.
going to the restaurant with around 20 people is good fun, especially when 1.5 liters beer are showing up, big pizzas, and at the end, mierto's!!!!
next morning, 10 again, same story, same ritual..lovely
i would like to thanks my new italian friends.
stefano, i might see u again soon, at least i really enjoyed my 10 days sardinie, big up to you.
alejandro, stefania, alex, elena, i hope we meet again soon, i had good fun.
papito papito, my brother papito;)
chicco, next time tantrum for you!
and of course the whole crew of riders and teachers,
and we wont forget about Pascal BOULGAKOW of course,
made 3 fantastic videos, and shoot so many beautifull pictures,
and all of this will be on the line soon.
have a good one,
lex duz it.
ozone, brunotti.
Lex heeft t maar druk
Leuk verslag
wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)
haha die rechter dude op de 3e foto
ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)
zijn baard is mooier dan die tarrels van jou
haha dont mention it;)
das dus Pascal Boulgakow, the chasta hunter en ozone fotograaf voornamelijk sneeuw.
Pascal is echt een chille gast, leerde hem kennen op OSKM.
Leuk verslag Lex!
alienkiter had een 3 sterren sessie in Brouwersdam met maar liefst 24 - 28 knots op zijn Ozone Instinct Sport+ (2009)