When did you start kiting? I started in 1999. An ex girlfriend send a wipika kite over from Maui, Hawaii. Wild times and adventures! Very exciting though. The sport has improved so much now but is still very small and is for specific people only.
Favourite move: Always the same, bottom turn and top turn, that's what it's all about
Quote of the day: Vote the right party, its a country's foundation
Describe yourself in one word: Free
These are a few of my favourite things: Photography, designing waveboards, books, guitar, music, gardening, building
Favourite kite spot: Any wavespot with sideshore winds
Kite travelling experience: S.A Italy, Germany, Mauritius, Indo, Spain, France
We found a great quote from you on a forum thread dating back to 2006.
"Hey boys, who cares if you ride a directional or a twintip, as long as you ride a wave it is all cool. Important is to line up and give right of way"
So - surfboard or twintip? I've used surfboards for 3 years now, but waves are all I do, freestyle is still twin tip
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