akoeribai 14 January / 2013 / 17:26
Kan idd nog mooi een stop voor, mei in nederland?!?!

akoeribai 14 January / 2013 / 17:28

wazzaah 13 April / 2013 / 17:36
Event info, day 0:

The best riders from all over the world are here in Leucate to win the Mondial Du Vent on the second stop of the PKRA 2013. This is the 17th edition of the Mondial du Vent and the 6th with the PKRA. Winning this PKRA event brings a lot of prestige due to the history of the event and the extreme conditions. This week will be no exception with the winds forecasted to be 30 knots for the first three days of competition.

The top riders came out in force with Youri Zoon, Alex Pastor, Karolina Winkowska, Gisela Pulido and many more. The big surprise for this event is the return of Aaron Hadlow to PKRA competitions. He is a five-time world champion and regarded as one of the pioneers and top riders in the sport. 61 riders have registered for this event, 50 men and 11 women from over 20 countries will be on the water.

The main event of men has 24 spots available, 8 are for the top preceded riders, 2 are for the wildcards chosen by the organization; for this event it will be Sebastian Garat and Paul Serin, and then the 40 other riders have to compete for 14 spots. Qualifying for a PKRA event is already a competition on its own and a tough battle with lots of pressure. The way the qualifiers work: the first round will consist of 10 heats and the winner of each heat will be qualified for the main event and the 30 remaining riders would have to go to two more rounds to qualify for the final four spots.

The town of Leucate and the organizers of the Mondial du Vent have once again set up a great village and venue for the competition. The wind forecast is absolutely brilliant and we should have some amazing action right from the start at 9:30 AM Saturday morning.

The entire competition will be broadcast live on where you can follow the results and heat scores and also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news updates.

The live feed will start at 10 AM on Saturday morning April 20.

Pre Event info:

We are just one week away from the start of Mondial du Vent in Leucate, France and four weeks from the first slalom event in Mexico; the MINI kiteboard world cup. After a great start to the season in Dakhla, Morocco, with perfect wind and waves, the next stop will be in the challenging conditions of Leucate. Leucate is located in Languedoc Roussillon in southern France at the base of the Pyrenees. It is one of the windiest destinations on tour because the tramontane can blow up to 50 knots.

This event brings many riders from all over the world and Europe due to its convenient location, great media coverage and almost guaranteed wind. The competition is one of the toughest on tour with many freestylers registering and battling for the win. When Tramontane is on the wind is offshore making the spot perfectly flat and very good for freestyle. The wind tends to be gusty because it funnels down a Valley but still the top riders are able to land some spectacular moves on this great spot.

The organizers and city of Leucate really do a great job promoting the sport and providing things to do for everyone. When the freestyle is not running many other activities are available to keep you entertained for the whole day.

Go check out the website: to see last year’s videos and everything that will be happening in 2013. -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

djeverest 19 April / 2013 / 11:01
Morgen is het zover, zet hem op Dutchies!!!

djeverest had een 4 sterren sessie in Scheveningen met maar liefst 14 - 20 knots op zijn F-One Bandit V (2012)

reinoutsmit 19 April / 2013 / 17:45
Om het wat leuker te maken is Aaron Hadlow terug.

Foto: Stance Kiteboarding

ostendlocal 19 April / 2013 / 17:53
yeaah dikke actie morgen in heeel veel wind!
Ben benieuwd naar Aaron!

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

ostendlocal 19 April / 2013 / 19:53
Als het goed is zal de livestream dit event in HD zijn!

Normaal zal de link zijn, maar indien anders dan post ik het morgen!

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

RobbyNitroz 19 April / 2013 / 20:15
Sjeeh onwijs benieuwd wat Aaron doet. Hoop dat ie het goed doet en gewoon weer aanhaakt

RobbyNitroz had een 5 sterren sessie in Zandvoort met maar liefst 15 - 20 knots op zijn SlingShot Wave SST (2017)

katapultbenzine 19 April / 2013 / 23:49
Fakking gruwelijk!

katapultbenzine had een 5 sterren sessie in Zanzibar, Paje met maar liefst 17 - 22 knots op zijn SlingShot RPM (2011)

wazzaah 20 April / 2013 / 09:25
Live streaming werkt, staat flink briesje -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

wazzaah 20 April / 2013 / 14:30
Johnno helaas niet door naar main event, als Aaron doorgaat in zijn heat komt ie gelijk Youri tegen.

Singles zouden in ongeveer 30/45 minuten moeten beginnen. -

wazzaah had een 5 sterren sessie in Terschelling Groene Strand met maar liefst 10 - 11 knots op zijn Vari Condor (2013)

ostendlocal 21 April / 2013 / 06:06
Zoo, dag twee gaat bijna van start! Skippers om 9.30 en first possible start om 10.00.
Lijkt alsof er nog niet veel wind staat maar zal wel anders zijn van zodra we op het strand komen!

Aaron en Youri moeten straks tegen elkaar al!

Gisteren was de wind niet normaal hard en we hebben het gemerkt aan de tricks en crashes!
Denk dat er wel 5 leashes gebroken zijn waardoor we wat kites zagen wegwaaien

Tijd voor actie vandaag!

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

ostendlocal 21 April / 2013 / 06:08
oja, hoe Aaron het deed: Rustigaan. Niet teveel forcerend maar toch deed ie meer tricks dan de gemiddelde rider.
Ben benieuwd of hij extra moeite gaat doen tegen Youri!

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

ostendlocal 21 April / 2013 / 06:38
Trials and First round of PKRA Mondial du Vent

The first day of the competition started early to make sure that we could finish the trials with 40 men battling for 14 spots and get started with the main event. The wind was full on right from the start, in the morning the wind was already a solid 25 to 30 knots for the first heats of the day, with gust in the upper 40’s by the afternoon. Men were riding between 4 to 7 meter kites. After 4 hours of trials, 14 men were selected and the main event was ready to start. The first round of men was completed and some great match ups like the Hadlow vs Zoon are ready for tomorrow.

The trials were extremely competitive, the field was filed with many top riders like Jaspan, Schitzhofer, Madson, Corniel, Hadlow and many more. The ladder was set up with 3 rounds, winners of the first round heats of 4 were automatically qualified for the main event and the remaining 30 riders had to go two rounds for the last 4 spots.

In the first two heats Nico Suriel and Mario Rodwald easily advanced, the 3rd heat was close between Patrick Blanc and Sam Light, but Sam landed many low technical tricks to get into the main event. In heat four Bakker landed some clean tricks to advance and in heat 5 Crathern went huge to win. In heat six Michael Schitzhofer defeated Madson to win with a last minute slim chance. Borisov had a solid performance landing a big blind judge and mobe. Hutter was landing his stylish S-1's and blind judges to win his heat. The final heat of the first round features five time world champion Aaron Hadlow who dominated by landing a BJ, Front Blind, massive kiteloop and a couple of mobes to easily win his heat.

The 2nd round saw the wind pick up and the conditions became more extreme for the competitors and landing the most basic handle passes became a challenge, but 10 riders advanced to go to the 3rd round for a chance to get into the main event. The first heat of round 3 Blanc was kiting extremely well on his 4 meter kite and secured a spot in the main event. The second heat Valentin Garat had a big loop and S-mobe to advance. The 3rd and 4th heats were dominated by the Brazilians Madson and Da Silva.

The women were released for the day and the first round of men started in the extreme conditions of Leucate. The wind was a bit more gusty making the execution of tricks more difficult. During the first heat Da Silva was more consistent and able to defeat Sam Light. The second heat Patrick Blanc kept his run going on is 4 meter kite and won his 3rd consecutive heat and the got the highest heat score of the day 26.26. Crathern put up a good fight against Mario Rodwald, but Mario’s competition experience paid off with a win. Hadlow came out in the next heat and executed some solid moves. The next two heats Hutter and Borisov kept on winning. The last heat of the day was won by the wildcard Paul Serin.

The competition will resume tomorrow at 10 AM. We will be running the men’s single and women's single elimination and possibly start the doubles as well. The live will be running all day so make sure you check out the Live Feed brought to you by Sosh. The wind is forecasted to keep blowing for the next two days and we should see some pretty massive tricks being landed by the top riders.

Make sure you check all the updates at and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news and results.

Check the Heat scores of you favorite PKRA riders

Day 1 Photos

ostendlocal had een 2 sterren sessie in Oostende met maar liefst 16 - 18 knots op zijn SlingShot Fuel (2012)

coconutplukker 21 April / 2013 / 09:33
lifestream hapert